
Do plants bring you joy? Me too!

My name is Roos (Dutch spelling for Rose) and plants have helped me so much over the years.
My love for them is so big that I started sharing mine online back in 2019 and that lead to planty friends, organising plant meetings and sharing my care tips. On this page I try to answer the most asked questions, share my favourite planty places with you and more. Enjoy!


Plant question

If you have a plant question, and can't find the answer in my free content, you can book a consult with me - we meet up via zoom and you can show me the plant and ask all your questions.

My favourite places

I get asked almost daily what my favourite planty places and shops are here in the Netherlands and Europe. So I've made a list, you can find it HERE

Sponsor / collab?

Want to work with me? Please contact me with 'collab' in the subject line via the contact form or plantwithroos@gmail.com. 

I look forward to hearing your ideas, let's connect!

My YouTube channel

Because of the high volume of emails and DMs, I've made my content here and YouTube as organised as possible, to hopefully answer most questions. If you're looking for a specific topic, type in that word/sentence and add 'Roos' or 'Plant Roos'. Since my name spelling is unique, it often shows my videos right at the top that way. For example: 'pest treatment roos'. I've also made different playlists to help.